Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 16-Jul-2012

Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.

Canada US Congress Informed Of Canada, Mexico Inclusion In TPP By means of letters to the leaders of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk has notified Congress of the government’s intention to include Mexico and Canada in the on-going negotiation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. CARICOM Pushes For Conclusion Of Canadian FTA At the recent Caribbean Community heads of government meeting in Saint Lucia, Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart expressed optimism that Canada and the Caribbean Community could agree to a free trade agreement to replace the CARIBCAN preferential trade programme with Canada before the arrangement expires at the end of the year. China Hong Kong To Remain Centre Of RMB Liberalization Speaking at the Renminbi Cross-Border Trade and Investment Forum, Financial Secretary John Tsang confirmed that, as a Special Administrative Region of China and working under the principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’, Hong Kong will continue to be ‘front and centre’ in the RMB liberalization process. EU Cyprus Rebuffs EU Over Bailout Cyprus has underscored that it will not accept punitive conditions in exchange for a financial assistance package from European Union member states, arguing that the bailout of Greece was poorly executed and over-burdened the Cypriot banking sector, which itself now needs substantial bailout funds. UK UK, Ireland Crack Down On Fuel Tax Fraud Revenue authorities in the UK and Ireland have launched a search for a new fuel marker to help crack down on fuel laundering, seeking a replacement for the current system where fuel markers are added to fuels with lower duty rates. Guernsey Aims To Revive QROPS Business The Guernsey government has announced that it will revise its Section 157E pension scheme structure in an effort to have it recognized by the UK tax authority as a Qualifying Recognized Overseas Pension Scheme that can accept both resident and non-resident taxpayers. US US Challenges Chinese Anti-Dumping Duties It has been announced that the United States is looking to eliminate China’s imposition of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on more than USD3bn in exports of American-produced cars, by requesting dispute settlement consultations at the World Trade Organization. Hatch Highlights Year-End US 'Death Tax' Threat As a largely forgotten part of the ‘fiscal cliff’ – the expiring tax cuts and automatic spending reductions at the beginning of 2013 – Orrin Hatch, Ranking Member of the US Senate Finance Committee, has outlined the impact on American small businesses and farmers if Congress does not act to provide relief from the federal estate, or ‘death’, tax.

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