Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 11-Feb-2019

Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.

UK UK Legislates For Postponed Import VAT Accounting The UK Government has published, and tabled before the House of Commons, The Value Added Tax (Accounting Procedures for Import VAT for VAT Registered Persons and Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. Otros temas Seychelles Brings Tax Perks Into Line With Int'l Standards The Seychelles says that the OECD has found the territory to have made sufficient reforms to comply with its BEPS Action 5 standard on harmful tax regimes. Otros temas New Swiss Corporate Tax Reform Requires Public Approval A federal referendum will be held on May 19, 2019, in Switzerland on an overhaul to the corporate tax code, to bring it into line with international standards.

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