Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 02-May-2016

Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.

Canada Canada To Support Food Sector With Tariff Cuts The Canadian Finance Department has launched a public consultation on eliminating import tariffs on food production inputs. China China Clashes With Australia Over Steel Trade Adding to the significant number of global trade disputes involving Chinese steel exports, the Australian Government has accepted two Anti-Dumping Commission recommendations to impose anti-dumping duties on imports from China of steel reinforcing bar and rod in coil. UK OECD Warns Of 'Brexit Tax' The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has warned that if the UK votes to leave the European Union on June 23 it will be paying a "Brexit tax" for years to come. HMRC Encourages Use Of Online Tax Credit Services UK tax authority HM Revenue and Customs is urging people to renew their tax credit claim online before the July 31 deadline. US Hatch Promises US Corporate Integration Legislation In an April 21 speech on the floor of the US Senate, Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R andndash; Utah) talked about the need for tax reform to counter tax inversions, and discussed his upcoming proposal for corporate tax integration. Senate Hearing Criticizes IRS's Anti-ID Tax Fraud Efforts The US House of Representatives Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing on April 19 to review the 2016 tax filing season, which ended on April 18, and, in particular, to discuss efforts to protect taxpayers from identity theft-related tax fraud and cybersecurity attacks. TPP Tariff Benefits For US Exporters Detailed The US Department of Commerce has released a new report highlighting the tariff benefits American businesses will be able to take advantage of when exporting to the other 11 Trans-Pacific Partnership countries. US Accountants Urge Preservation Of Cash Accounting On April 26, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants encouraged the US Senate Finance Committee, which was holding a hearing on business tax reform, to preserve the use of the cash method of accounting for tax purposes. Wyden Tries To Solve US Depreciation Rules Complexity Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden has issued a discussion draft of legislation to simplify the extremely complex fixed asset depreciation rules in the current US tax code. US Bill Would Guarantee Small Businesses Equivalent Tax Cuts Vern Buchanan, a senior member of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, has introduced the Main Street Fairness Act to ensure that small businesses receive an equivalent tax rate cut in any future reform of corporate taxation. US House Passes Miscellaneous Tariff Bill On April 27, the bipartisan legislation to provide a framework for the approval of import tariff cuts for manufacturers through a renewal of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill passed the US House of Representatives by a vote of 415 to 2. IRS To Improve Tax Refund Offset Program Following a report released by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, the US Internal Revenue Service has agreed to revise computer programming and correct its procedures to ensure it identifies all available tax refunds to offset federal tax liabilities. Otros temas Czech Republic Increases Transfer Pricing Oversight The Czech tax authority has revealed that transfer pricing inspections carried out last year have resulted in additional tax assessment income of CZK450m (USD18.8m), and that an additional CZK500m was assessed in 2016.

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