Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 22-Feb-2021

Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.

EU EU Sizes Up Impact Of New UK Free Trade Deal The European Union has released its Winter 2021 Economic Forecast, which says that Brexit will dent UK economic growth considerably, and more than for the European Union, despite the new free trade deal between the two parties. EU Kick-starts Review Of Financial Services VAT Rules On February 8, 2021, the European Commission launched a consultation on a review of the VAT rules for financial and insurance services. MEPs Call For EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Lawmakers sitting on an EU parliament climate committee have called for the introduction of a carbon border adjustment mechanism. Otros temas Irish VAT Rate Cut To Be Reversed In March The Irish headline rate of VAT will return to 23 percent from March, having been temporarily reduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Otros temas Experts To Explain New Toolkit On Transfer Pricing Documentation A webinar is to be held on February 17, 2021, on the Platform for Collaboration on Tax's toolkit on Transfer Pricing Documentation.

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